Book Review: “Monster Madness”, “Star Trek: Art of Juan Ortiz”

If you’re looking for something to read, check out a couple of the offerings from Titan Books and comic division Titan Comics in our latest book review.  Just so you know, we were sent these books for review, but were not compensated for anything.

With that said, I’ve been having a blast with what we’ve been getting and these two books were one of the year’s book highlights for me.

Star Trek: The Art of Juan Ortiz is the type of book that you show off whenever you get the chance.  If you have a coffee table, this book needs to be on it, front and center.  Filled with awesome art posters reminiscent of Russian Cubism, early Propaganda, and Art Deco stylings, this book is a must if you love Star Trek, art or both.

Ortiz has been an artist for decades, and his talent is patently clear throughout the book.  When I went through this book, I literally “Oohed” and “Ahhed” as I flipped through the pages.

Monster Madness

This is a graphic novel that is an amalgamation of different stories and comics with an emphasis on horror, sci-fi, fantasy, or all three.  The quality of the art in this book is excellent, although there is one particular story that didn’t quite do it for me because it lacked color.  Still, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the comics within, especially on a rainy day recovering from a wicked cold.  It was perfect.

Want to take a look inside?  Check out our book review video below featuring previews of the books, and more details.  Plus, we review Elysium: The Art of the Film!


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