Brian K. Vaughn’s (Runaways, Lost) aptly named Saga, is at the very core, about parenthood. Rather, the prospect of bringing a child into a world where there are no guarantees. Throw in a bit of forbidden love, a healthy dose of story serving violence and banter from a dead nanny. Mix well and bake in a bounty hunter free-for-all and you have the recipe for a fantastic journey. Serves 6.
My first encounter with Saga was about a year ago, seeing a picture of a winged beauty cradling a baby astride a horned humanoid gent. Since I couldn’t get any identification on who or what they were, I let it be.
My mistake. Fast forward to last week when I read the recently released thirteenth issue and got a crush. I summarily gorged on issues 1 through 12 [Editor’s Note: This comic had the same effect on me. It’s got that weird effect. – Seattle Slim] and right now I’m head over heels in love. Enough about me going totally fanboy, there quite simply aren’t enough paper towels.
Saga #13 starts out with a brief aside at the bedside of a Landfallian soldiers hospital bed, recounting the incident that put him there. But there isn’t anybody in the room. So who is he talking to? Back in the tree ship, we find Marko visibly upset over his fathers death. His mother doesn’t help matters with her condescending view of Alana, but I think this has more to do with her being Landfallian than anything else. The banter between the two really shines here.
A quadrant or two over, beleaguered freelancer The Will is stuck trying to get his ship repaired but intergalactic roadside assistance sucks even in space. Marko’s former fiance and rescued child test his patience and his recently deceased friend with benefits is just making this whole assignment sour.
The art, handled exclusively by Fiona Staples (DV8, THUNDER Agents) has a laid back style that evokes fond memories of looking at Sam Keith’s’ run on Sandman. Her colours, ease of movement and the hilarious way she draws expressions on her characters has me sold. The art in this series is nothing short of magical. No wonder they have Eisner’s. I’m already itching for the next issue.
Saga is simply one of the best things I’ve read all year. I’m off to check the pet stores and see if they have any Lying Cats for sale.