Comic Books — By Lexy Luthor–The Geek Mami on March 4, 2012 9:16 pm
DC comics will be taking on your favorite fairytale characters in its new comic Fairest. Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty and more are displaced in New York City and trying to find their way. Fairest will also uncover some of their secrets too. Check it out:
New York Times best-selling, award-winning creator Bill Willingham presents a new series starring the female FABLES. Balancing horror, humor and adventure, FAIREST explores the secret histories of Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Cinderella, The Snow Queen, Thumbelina, Snow White, Rose Red and others. The first 6 issue arc follows the misadventures of Briar Rose after she is stolen away by the goblin army in FABLES #107. Fan-favorite artist Phil Jimenez (WONDER WOMAN, THE INVISIBLES) returns to Vertigo to pencil the opening storyline. Award-winning cover artist Adam Hughes (WONDER WOMAN, BATGIRL) provides covers, starting with a wraparound cover on issue #1.
Future arcs will be written by 2011 Arthur C. Clarke winner Lauren Beukes with art by Inaki Miranda, and iZOMBIE scribe Chris Roberson with art by Shawn McManus! And remember: They may be beautiful, but there will be blood.
via Comixology
At first I wasn’t all that interested in Fairest, but I think that I’ll go ahead and check it out because I’d love to see how they uncover these secrets. Also, I want to know just what these secrets are.
Will you tune into Fairest?
Tags: DC Comics, Fairest, Grimm Fairy Tales
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