Freak Your Neighborhood Trick or Treaters Out With Axe Murderer Door

Sep 21, 2011

If you’re like me and you burn hundred dollar bills to light your cigaros Cubanos, you’ll definitely have the $3,500 duckets needed to buy this door to scare the piss out of the neighborhood kids on Halloween this year. Check out the creepy video, complete with dents in the door, after the jump:

This animatronic door uses a 22-inch LCD monitor, a special DVD from Hi-Rez Designs and pneumatics cued by DTMF tracks to make it look like an axe-wielding killer is after you.

This is pretty freaking creepy. The price is definitely set for those Halloween heads who love the freaking holiday more than Christmas… So while you’re looking for Halloween costume ideas for 2011, and if you’ve got beaucoup bucks, buy this. Oh, and shipping will run ya around $200.

If you’d like to buy this door, click here.

Via NerdApproved.


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