Entertainment, Featured, Games — By Sword of the Morning @SeattleSlim on May 23, 2012 3:30 am
No words! I am so excited to play this game that I am HURT, you hear me? HURT that I don’t know when the Marvel Heroes MMO will be released for PC. Still, this trailer is everything. Check out some stunning game play action after the jump!
Marvel has teamed up with Gazillion and Secret Identity Studios to take the MMO category to a completely new level of excitement and engagement, as Marvel Heroes combines action role-playing games with the MMO genre. This first trailer shows gameplay, new heroes and new enemies.
Marvel Heroes will be available on PC. Release date TBA.
As a World of Warcraft fan and geek who kind of lost interest, I am excited to come across a PC game that will excite me once again. Oh, so much time will be lost.
Via Marvel
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