Geek Swagger: Eclectic Marvel and Disney Jeans – GeekMundo

The one thing that I miss about the 90s–well, one of the many things–is how loud and ostentatious the fashion could be when representing one’s fandom.  Remember those Looney Tunes hip-hop tees?  Bring that shit back, fashion world.  Anyway, as a fan of the general “We don’t give a fuck what you think about us” attitude of Japanese street fashion, I went on a hunt for some cool shit from the Japan and came across these geeky Marvel and Disney jeans from Dog Tokyo featuring famous Disney villains and staple Marvel comics characters like Wolverine and the Hulk.

Am I the only one hearing the theme from Martin playing in my head whenever I look at these?  Anyway,  these babies run from 15,800 to 27,800 yen ($157 to $259) so they aren’t cheap.  I can guarantee that they’re pretty original (for the times), and you’ll definitely stick out at your next Con.


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