via We Got This Covered
Whatever Aziz Ansari (NBC’s Parks and Recreation) has going on with his Netflix original series Master of None must have made Michael Rapaport (Justified) feel a certain type of way because last night he decided to go in on Ansari on Twitter. The weird thing is that the rant wasn’t anything that was worth it. It’s not about Ansari being mean to him at an event, or talking about him because that would make some sort of sense. No, Rapaport is displeased because Ansari sounds “white”, ladies and gentlemen. Unfortunately for Rapaport, not everyone was alseep on Twitter and they quickly went in on him for his tirade. What ensued was a mini meltdown featuring veiled invitations to a confrontation in person, and Rapaport’s son Julian getting in on the action.
Aziz talking about “whiteness on late night TV” yet Aziz sounds whiter than the whitest white guy,like Richard Pryor doing a white guy in 79
— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) November 12, 2015
If I could sound as “white” as Aziz Ansari does I’d be fucking rich — MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) November 12, 2015
Sound how you wanna sound but sound like your from Somewhere,Anywhere,put some bass/tone/treble & demographic in your speaking voice
— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) November 12, 2015
So Much Political Correctness So Little Time for all of the Hipster Tattooed Bearded Skinny Jean Rushmore watching WuTang listening Elite — MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) November 12, 2015
the title “White Men Cant Jump” would be considered offensive in 2015 by the Hipster Tattooed Bearded Elite of today.
— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) November 12, 2015
waiting?you gotta get out the house cracker — MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) November 12, 2015
@theshrillest bitch ass wigga
— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) November 12, 2015
Rapaport’s ire seems to have been directed at writer Ezekiel Kweku and writer Jon Bois mainly, but he did go in on a few others. The responses were priceless:
logging in to your podcast’s account to get your weak burn a retweet has gotta be the biggest self-own of all time — a shrill of hope (@theshrillest) November 12, 2015
watching @MichaelRapaport trying to hang with @theshrillest and i just see the kid mashing buttons in front of the INSERT COIN screen
— Jon Bois (@jon_bois) November 12, 2015
.@MichaelRapaport is this an example of the incredible wit that you think is being unfairly rewarded? I rest my case. — a shrill of hope (@theshrillest) November 12, 2015
a man desperately trying to stay relevant by being a white guy adjacent to blackness posted a pic of himself with a black guy as defense.
— a shrill of hope (@theshrillest) November 12, 2015
can someone who loves michael rapaport call him or text him or something? — a shrill of hope (@theshrillest) November 12, 2015
I stopped tweeting at him 15 minutes ago & he’s faving my tweets from his podcast account and finding old richard pryor clips to tweet at me
— a shrill of hope (@theshrillest) November 12, 2015
You could just try being as funny — Vann R. Newkirk II (@fivefifths) November 12, 2015
You are a fucking idiot
— Gene Clusters (@novixv) November 12, 2015
y’all — a shrill of hope (@theshrillest) November 12, 2015
There is so much rich content that I can’t possibly post them all, so just do a search on Twitter for Michael Rapaport and have at it. Talk about Twitter fingers….