Featured, Movies — By Lexy Luthor–The Geek Mami on September 3, 2011 10:38 am
If you like movie trailers and clips, you’ll like this next clip from the upcoming spy thriller ‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’ based on the book of the same name by John Le Carre. If you care about spoilers, you might want to be careful with checking out this video. It may contain potential spoilers.
In one hell of an intense scene Control (John Hurt) briefs John Prideaux (Mark Strong) on the code names for the hunt of the mole they are tracking. Mark Strong is one of my favorite actors, so I will be watching this movie one way or another and getting the book. Check out the movie trailer after the jump!
The film is currently opening at the Venice Film Festival this weekend and in the UK on September 16th. I figure if it gets enough attention, it could jump to the US market. Gary Oldman is already getting award buzz for his role so it should. Possibly limited release? I hope so anyway. If not there’s always Blockbuster Netflix…
Via EmpireOnline
Tags: Movie Previews and Trailers, Movie Trailers, New films, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Movie
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