Here is trailer 4 for HBO’s hit series Game of Thrones season 4 and boy am I ever so angry knowing what is going to happen. I am also happy because I know a certain wedding is going to happen and it better freaking happen HBO or else. I was disappointed with last season until the red wedding and I am hopping they can pick it up in season 4 because they are trying to cover a lot of stuff in an only 13 episode season. I am sure George R.R. Martin is going to be playing with our emotions this season but I am watching because I can not stop. Game of Thrones season 4 debuts on April 6th at 9pm.
Plot Synopsis: We all know what wedding is going to happen this season and it is including parts of book 3, book 4 and book 5.
Are you excited for Game of Thrones season 4? Let us know in the comments below.