This Most Abandoned Books Infographic is Not Surprising – GeekMundo

There are just some books that no matter how freaking hyped up they are, they are just too difficult to finish.  According to this cool infographic from Goodreads, J.R.R. Tolkien, Ayn Rand and E.L. James all have something in common.  People can’t seem to get through their books.   I can see Atlas Shrugged and Fifty Shades of Grey being burned being abandoned, but The Lord of the Rings?

by alison0000.
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I agree with some of these choices.  I absolutely hated Ayn Rand when I was forced to read her drivel in high school.  I would just glaze over.  Still, The Girl in the Dragon Tattoo was pretty good and I reveled in some of the more mundane details.

What do you think of the infographic?

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