Comics: DC Comics Promises To Hire More Women Writers

After catching quite a bit of flack at San Diego Comic-Con for its lack of female writers, DC Comics is promising to hire more women to write for them.

 At Comic-Con in San Diego last month, co-publisher Dan DiDio was asked why the company had gone from 12% to 1% female creators with its “New 52″ relaunch, and was told to “hire women” by a delegate. “Women are half of the world, and a significant percentage of the DC Comics character stable, and yet only 1% of their creators,” said Laura Hudson at Comics Alliance. “And the way that you treat and represent half of the people in your world – and by extension, half of the people in the real world who might potentially buy your books – should be more than a marginal concern.”

After seeing the new outfit for Harley Quinn, I think this move is a must.  I mean, seriously?  She’s in an undone corset!  If I were an opponent, I’d laugh at her for even stepping to me like that.  Put your tetas back in, mija!


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