Kate Beckinsale Kicks Butt in Trailer for ‘Underworld: Awakening’ – Geek Mundo: Straight Outta Comic-Con!

Featured, Movies — By Lexy Luthor–The Geek Mami on August 19, 2011 5:30 am

This trailer for ‘Underworld: Awakening’ looks good in part, but lacking in others. I will definitely go see the movie, because I’m a fan of Kate Beckinsale as Selene. But a 12 year coma? Maybe more trailers can help explain. Here’s the synopsis:

In ‘Awakening,’ Selene comes out of a 12-year-induced coma to find a world in which humans have discovered the truth about vampires and Lycans and are waging an all-out war against them. To make things even more interesting, she finds out that she has a pre-teen daughter somewhere in the world. Naturally, she goes after her daughter, killing a lot of evil humans and Lycans along the way.

Action looks buenisimo! The film will be out in January 2012.

via Moviefone

Tags: Kate Beckinsale, Lycans, Movies, Trailers, Underworld, Underworld Awakening

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